Photos from Week 5                       Return to News Page

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Fortification walls at Ancient Messene:  the fortification walls surrounding the city were over 9 kms long with some 30 watch towers. In the mountainous setting, they are an awesome sight. You can just see George, parked where we wild-camped the previous night

Camp in an olive grove near Kardamili:  we had this campsite to ourselves for 3 days - perfect peace with just birdsong and the distant sound of surf on the shore at the foot of the cliffs for company. It truly was a beautiful setting in an olive grove

Storm over Kardamili Bay:  viewed from the hills above, we could see the gale-driven waves battering the coast-line. Little did we know at this stage the degree of devastation which the storm had caused. Our campsite is tucked into the right hand end of the bay

Cytinus ruber:  this parasitical plant draws sustenance from its host, and so has no need for leaves of its own (leaves on picture belong to another plant). Its stem ends in crimson scales surrounding tiny white flowers. Although only 3 inches high, it is related to the largest flower in the world which grows in the tropics