Photo Gallery - Weeks 8~10

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1 - Medieval Bastion towering over Bonifacio harbour 2 - Bonifacio old town perched on cliff-tops 3 - Limestone cliffs at Bonifacio & Capo Pertusato 4 - Walking amid the fragrant Corsican maquis

5 - White Cistus (Cistus monspenliensis), typical maquis shrub 6 - Bronze Age Torréen fortress of Casteddu d'Araggiu 7 - Alignment de Palaggiu, menhirs (standing stones) dating from 1800 BC 8 - Sartène, grimly the 'Most Corsican of Corsican towns'

9 - Rooftops of Sainte Lucie de Tallano in Alta Rocca hills 10 - Genoese watchtower overlooking Campomoro coastal path 11 - Statue-menhirs at Filitosa Bronze Age sanctuary 12 - Îles Sanguinaires and Punta della Parata near Ajaccio

13 - Wild seascape on Punta della Parata coastal walk 14 - Wild coastline of Punta della Parata 15 - Roman church and Golfe de Sagone at Cargèse 16 - Weathered pinnacles and crags of The Calanches
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