
1 - Karelian wooden cottage at Parppeinvaara |
2 -
Traditional Karelian Kantele,
played at Parppeinvaara |
3 -
Classic esker glacial-ridge in Petkeljärvi National Park |
4 -
Tapering end of esker-ridge
in Petkeljärvi National Park |

5 -
Flowers of Bog-Bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum)
6 -
Russian Orthodox church of Elijah the Prophet at Ilomantsi |
7 -
Icons in Ilomantsi Russian Orthodox church |
8 -
Taistelijan Talo (Fighters' House) at Ilomantsi village |

9 -
Forest dirt-road leading to Finland/EU's easternmost point |
10 -
Boardwalk to Finland/EU's easternmost point border-zone |
11 -
Accessible easternmost point of Finland and mainland EU |
12 -
Orthodox Chapel (tsasouma) at Hattuvaara |

13 -
Lingonberry flowers (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) |
14 -
Cloudberry flowers (Rubus chamaemorus) at Patvinsuo |
15 -
Bog Rosemary (Andromeda
polifolia) at Patvinsuo |
16 -
Canoeist in Neitikoski rapids on Lieksanjoki river |

17 -
Rapids on Lieksanjoki river in Ruunaa Trekking Area |
18 -
Cranberry flowers (Vaccinium oxycoccus) |
19 -
Unripe Crowberries (Empetrium nigrum) at Ruunaa |
20 -
Board-walks crossing marshy land at Ruunaa |

21 -
Nurmes Old Town's Imperial
Russian era wooden houses |
22 -
10-30pm 21 June with full daylight at Lentuankosken |
23 -
End of day sun over lake
at Camping Lentuankosken |
24 -
Stone-field Memorial to Winter War dead at Raatteen |

25 -
Wild reindeer by roadside approaching Lapland |
26 -
Midge-helmets necessary for forest walking |
27 -
Wild Brown Bears in
Eastern Finland |
28 -
Martinselkosen Eräkeskus bear-watching hides |