Sheila and Paul:
Since taking early retirement from busy careers respectively as a Clinical Biochemist and Health Management Consultant, we now spend from early Spring to Autumn each year exploring wider Europe in our VW Camper. By devoting a concerted 5 months period to each chosen destination (while UK/EU relations allow), our objective is to learn as much as we can about the country and its people. Travel has given us the opportunity to pursue our interests: Sheila to study each country's wild-life and flora, Paul to understand its history, culture and language, and for us both to enjoy the pleasures and challenge of living a straightforward and uncluttered lifestyle in our campervan. Since beginning our peripatetic lifestyle, we have now completed 22 such trips, covering Greece (twice), Slovenia, the Pyrenees, Hungary, Alsace-Lorraine, Sicily, Denmark (twice), Croatia, Slovakia, Sardinia~Corsica, Czech Republic, Poland, the Baltic States (twice), Finland and Lapland (twice), Sweden (twice), Norway, Iceland and Faroes

During the following winter period, we update this web site with further episodes of our travelogue and photo-galleries, detailing the previous summer's travels. Our prime aim has been to share our experiences with fellow-travellers and to share the experience of our ventures. This has now been extended by publishing details of our travels in book form, and the first two books of this series of publications are available on The Great British Bookshop website and detailed on the Publications page. Continued future long-term travelling across the countries of Europe however will now be restricted by the Schengen limit of a maximum of 90 days in any 180 day period.



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Our Family:
Modern electronic communications enable us to keep in contact during our extended travels with our two daughters and families.  Lucy graduated from Bristol University, and now with dual UK/Australian citizenship is settled happily with Ben in Adelaide, South Australia; her cycling and forays into the South Australian outback continue to impress.  Nicole and Peter met at Oxford Brookes University, and now live in Devon with their two daughters, Isobel and Zoë.
Our Camper:
Home while travelling is our faithful VW Auto-Sleeper Trooper, known fondly to us as George, and pictured here in summer 2014 on the Arctic coast of Norway. The T4's turbo-diesel engine and camper's trim size make for trustworthy, economic travelling. Autosleepers no longer produce the Trooper with solid-sided raising roof, so regrettable since this structure makes for a camper assuredly comfortable in all weathers. The result is an ideal combination of all the traditional VW charm combined with the solid reliability of modern technology.

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